What mamacita is...

It's too hot to do anything besides read and watch movies.

Very funny, and so very true. I read his column in Salon from time to time; some of those pieces are reused here, and expanded; others are new. You should definitely read this.

It's been a while since I read an honest-to-God page-turner, but this was one. It wasn't that suspenseful, really, but I was really invested in the characters and wanted to see how it all turned out. I found it a bit rough going in the beginning (i.e. sad) but well worth it for the comedy that ensues.


Highly enjoyable. I had my doubts about this one, but in the end I really liked it. If you're on the fence, feel free to jump in. Also, I don't know if anyone else has ever pointed this out, but George Clooney is not unpleasant to look at.


  1. Hello.

    I'm not one for internet fights (unstylish) and I'm aware that whether one likes a film or a book, say, is an entirely subjective matter, so I hope we collide with good graces.


    The Men Who Stare At Goats is a shockingly bad film and it left me feeling insulted. I felt that all the principal actors were merely going through the paces, investing nothing in their roles. And the near saccharine (and farcical) ending felt like a particularly American disfigurement of the book on which the film was so very, very loosely based. It just made me gasp at the wretchedness of it all. I lost hope for the film after about fifteen minutes (it promised a great deal to begin with). An out and out travesty, a shocking waste of time. The whole thing said precisely nothing.

    I hope if anyone feels inclined to follow your advice to give the film a go that they immediately change their minds. The book, however, is pretty good.

    Phew. Sorry about that.

    We can agree, however, that George Clooney is easy on the eye. I say this through gritted teeth and the tumult of sexual confusion, however, as he always makes me feel both inadequate and aroused in almost equal measure.

    Right, I must head outside to chop wood and drink beer and punch strangers in the throat. Manly stuff, you understand.

    Kind regards etc....


  2. Well, Mr. E, we certainly have an opinion, don't we? I'm absolutely thrilled that you stopped by to comment. No one ever comments on these posts, but it just made my day to read yours.

    Have you ever had the experience where reading a criticism of something you enjoy ruins it for you forever? I, for example, can no longer read Adam Gopnik with the same relish I once had. I can't say that you've ruined the movie for me -- nor can I say that I "loved" it to begin with -- but you certainly do have a point about the disappointing performances by top-shelf actors.

  3. Oh, hurrah. I thought you might slice and dice me, casually destroying my (limited) credibility in the process. A relief, then, to find such a good natured response - depressingly rare on the internet, I find, where good manners often tend to count for nothing and where people seem desperate to take needless offence.

    But yes, I’m familiar with that feeling. I’m only dimly aware of Adam Gopnik, it must be said, as my chances to read The New Yorker are fairly limited, but I imagine we all have our own version of Adam Gopnik somewhere in our (cultural) lives.

    There needs to be an element of truth/logic/clear thinking, of course, in the criticism, otherwise I’m happy to let it float on by, barely affecting my feelings. If someone writes something that (irritatingly) you hadn’t thought of yourself, however, and disallows for the option of simply ignoring it....well, this has ruined my enjoyment (usually retrospectively) of many a book, piece of art or film. I’m always happy to be shown a clearer way of looking at something, but this doesn’t make it any less painful.

    Actually, one of the reasons I found The Men Who Stare At Goats so disappointing was the fact that this was only the second film I’d been able to make myself watch in (approaching) six years. My partner got it on DVD thinking it might get me interested – and I can see her reasoning behind this – but, well, it just seemed like the same old empty nothingness to me, although maybe I’m being too harsh.

    I was going to comment on your latest post, but then realised I’d probably written more than enough down here (a bad habit, this rambling). I’m very pleased that you seem pleased, however, to have received a comment in the first place.

    Kind regards etc....


  4. I don't have anything to add, as I haven't seen/read these; however I found the comment dialogue entertaining!


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