
Showing posts from May, 2013

Kari's Skeleton Swimsuit

We are watching last week's Mythbusters . Kari is wearing an amazing swimsuit for some kind of sauna test (not to worry about exploitation, of course: Grant and Tory are naked). Anyway, Becca and I are in love with the suit. Somebody asked her about it on Twitter--it's from an Australian company called Black Milk. They have lots of goth suits. I guess Becca's set for her teens. N.B. to Sara--There's a Steampunk version , too:

Catholic Cuisine

This was a very exciting discovery . I am not Catholic, but I have long admired their dedication to celebrating the saints of the church through pastry and fried foods. Of course I had heard of King Cake for Epiphany, but how about: Pentecost Pie Probably less tasty, but visually way impressive, FLAMING Pentecost cupcakes Or these Pentecost brunch ideas. All red food! And the Cocoa Krispie Treat grotto for Our Lady of Guadalupe? Oh yeah. FWIW, the Feast of St. Nacho is on July 12.