Spin Me Right Round

Have you seen this yet? You look at this image of a spinning silhouette and, depending on how you see the image, you can determine whether your right-brain or left-brain is dominant. Which you probably already know at this point in your life, but it's cool anyway. I'm so right-brained that I can't even see it the other way when I try. via Kottke, Graphic Design Bar and others


  1. Survey results so far:

    Matt and Emmet -- can see clockwise and counterclockwise

    mamacita, Becca, Letitia and Mike -- see clockwise only

    Uncle John -- counterclockwise only

  2. Wow. That was scary. Clockwise was the most dominant for me (I *am* a computer scientist, right? Or am I just confused?) I got her to turn counter clockwise twice, but it involved scrolling down until she was off the screen and scrolling back up. And it only worked twice out of 5 tries.

    I guess I *didn't* know whether I was left or right brained.

  3. I don't think this test gives correct answers. I can mainly see clockwise turning, but I took a test here:
    and the results said I gave no right brain answers.


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