The Bikini Wax: An Internal Dialogue

God, this is horrifying.

I wonder if she's as embarrassed as I am.



Okay, this hurts less than childbirth, but only because it doesn't last as long.

What is she saying? I wish I spoke Vietnamese.

I think I outweigh the entire staff combined.

Dude, where is she going?

They need a picture on this ceiling.

They would probably put up a picture of Hannah Montana.

I will not think about Miley Cyrus. I will not think about Miley Cyrus.

Hey, I bet my nails are dry.

I wonder if the liquor store next door sells ice.

Next time I'm paying more for a place with numbing cream.

Which is worse -- being her or being me?

OW. Me.

At times like this it's good to have some poetry memorized.

'Twas brillig and the ... the ...


HOW BIG IS MY VAGINA? She could have mowed the back 40 by now.

God, how come nobody told me this shit was growing halfway down my leg?

Did I water the clematis last night?

Next time: vodka first.

Next time: Vicodin first.


  1. My husband and I are laughing so hard we're in tears! Bloody brilliant!!!

  2. Did we go for the whole lawn or with a tiny landing strip?

  3. Three words: laser hair removal.

  4. LOL I laughed really hard at this post, but not at you. Maybe at the little asian lady, I can imagine the scene now...... I hope your evening is painless.....

  5. yes, as Jen alluded to, you left out the most important information: what shape?
    A heart?
    A ladylike triangle?

  6. She's saying, "this is pay back for the police action".

  7. Oh my God, I think that must be it. "nhiều tóc cũng như một con khỉ"

  8. "Dude, where is she going?"



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