10 Things I Didn't Know Last Week

1. Chef MIMAL resides in the Midwest: look at the outlines of Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana and you'll see the chef in profile. (HT: Papi and Neogaf)
2. Sesame Street has won 109 Emmys.
3. Nine-party coalitions are fragile.
4. The word robot is Czech.
5. Jackson Pollock studied under Thomas Hart Benton.
6. Congress paid $23,950 for the 6,000+ volumes in the Thomas Jefferson library in 1815.
7. San Francisco used to be called Yerba Buena.
8. Sound waves can extinguish flames.
9. Scotty from Star Trek (James Doohan) was in the Normandy invasion on D-Day with the Royal Canadian Artillery.
10. Only the U.S. and the Philippines have commercial bail bondsmen.

Image: UC-Denver


  1. I did know the Pollack/Benson connection, but don't know a million other things besides the other nine. So that was fun.

  2. I guess I just thought of Benson as being so much older than Pollock.

  3. That was completely fun. And thanks for your comment on my site, although the mention of Laura Bush in a short nightgown put me in a scary visual place :)


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