The Envelope Please...

Julie has decided on a winner in our Sock Contest; actually, she renounced her own socks and chose two winners. Step right up, Uncle Miles, who suggested "Tubthumping," and Letitia, who suggested "Dancing with Myself." However, we also have an honorable mention in SGM, who suggested "Gold Digger." Furthermore, Julie needs to learn not to renounce nice things that are rightfully hers. So, lordy, that's four pairs of fancy socks.

Contestants not appearing on stage receive ... my hearty thanks! Sorry, no, you cannot trade it in for a box of Rice-a-Roni.

Thanks also to sweet little Julie for letting me exploit her pain. You rock, Julie!


  1. WOO HOO! Thank you so much, Mamacita and Julie. I am so honored.
    With those songs, you're not going to be In the Hole much longer. :)


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