Watch Mamacita Breathe Into a Bag

This is usually Decorno's gig, but she's out cavorting in Mexico. Somebody has to step up.

Do you know how much I hate Pottery Barn? Actually, I can't even say it's a pure hate. There are things at PB that aren't so bad. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm saying it's a possibility. Individual pieces, that is.

But you know what offends me to the very core? A whole house full of inane bourgeois reactionary "classics." And now, your little trash/luxe-named princess can have a house full of her very own. Check it.

Did Sylvia Plath never happen? Or Betty Freidan? Or ... hell, Cindy Sherman? Anyone??

But I think it's the wall-sized television shrines that get me the most. This has to be Sartre's idea of a living room.

People used to dream about the future.


  1. Eeew! It looks like a really perverse art student photography project. I feel dead inside now.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You called it, mama. So called it.

  4. Here's a second round of applause for the "Jesus Don't Get Her Started" categorization.

    What a moment to memorialize the bloated suburban look.

  5. "This has to be Sartre's idea of a living room."

    Scratch that: it's his idea of a HOUSE. Ick. Ick. Ick.

  6. I just found your blog through Decorno. That doll house is scary. The shapes horrifying. I shudder.

    But love your blog and your Austen quote is one of my favorites!

  7. What's so wrong about a dollhouse? Or is it the Pottery Barn dollhouse? At least the children playing with this are using their imaginations and not becoming robots in front of a TV/Wii.

  8. @Jen -- Nothing at all wrong with a dollhouse.

  9. Oh dear God.

    I am hoping that the owner of Pottery Barn has invested everything with Bernard Madoff; and all of that way-too-big leather and ugly out-of -proportion junk that young people buy and throw away after a few years will disappear!

    Oh! Dreams might come true! I KNOW that dollhouse with a flatscreen was made in China!!!! (want to bet?)...and if some child chews on any of it......lead paint will be poisoning his brain.........his taste has already been poisoned!!

  10. i love penelope! hard to follow her comments on the owner of pottery barn.

    thought i was a lone pottery barn loather. millions buy that crap only to throw it away. can someone explain the mindset of the masses all wanting to "look alike?"

  11. Dollhouses should be made by children out of popsicle sticks and construction paper and foil and imagination. I don't think they sell that at Pottery Barn.

  12. You know what's scary? That a large number of American family rooms look exactly like that. It sent shivers down my spine. The only thing scarier than the popularity of PB is the popularity of American Idol, the impending return of which I dread.

  13. This dollhouse truly is irretrievably vulgar. What sort of aspirations are we teaching young girls?

    Back in the 80s my neighbor had the Barbie Townhouse. Yes, I know Barbie is sexist but at least her house was something really nice--a townhouse with an elevator. It doesn't get much nicer than that!

    This poor PB girl is going to grow up thinking a McMansion in suburbia is something that normal people should want. She is doomed to a life of bourgeois label whoring. I'm visualizing her devastating divorce at age 28 right now, complete with a complicated disposition of a negative equity house with a TV in every room.

  14. Thanks for trashing this like it deserves. Hilarious = Cindy Sherman reference.


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