Excitement of the Day

You know that calendar that Martha has in the front pages of her magazine? She has it on her website, too, only it's more detailed. You can display her calendars for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Homekeeping, and Gardening.

And! You can put her calendars on your own Google calendar (or Yahoo!, Outlook, or iCal calendars). Of course, you may not want to display them all at the same time, but they will be there in the sidebar when you're ready for them.

Ooooh, I'm so excited.


  1. Hey there!
    It was great to finally meet you on Sunday:)
    I'm glad you came by.

  2. OMG, you really are that organized! You are right, if I could organize myself for the holidays it would be less stressful. I just had a last minute trip planned for thanksgiving so I had to get all the TX people's gifts ready to go by next week so I can bring them in. It's freaking me out. I was curled up in the fetal position this morning not wanting to get out of bed because of my ever growing list.


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