New Favorite Thing

The March issue of Everyday Food has a list of "20 Foods To Try Right Now." Their mention inspired me to try Twining's Lady Grey Tea. It's definitely my new favorite. Like Earl Grey it has bergamot, but it is more citrus-y and less perfume-y than the Earl. And I can report that it makes the most delicious Arnold Palmer you will EVER have.

For what it's worth, here is the full list from Everyday Food:
  1. Turbinado sugar
  2. Sriracha hot sauce
  3. Israeli couscous
  4. Pomegranate juice
  5. Salted caramel (Definitely.)
  6. Lady Grey tea
  7. Capers
  8. Jules Destrooper butter crisp cookies
  9. Anise seed
  10. Tofu (Considering that their other recommendations were much, much better, I have to think that "tofu" is the result of making this list by committee.)
  11. Dark chocolate
  12. Sea salt
  13. Anchovies (I keep a tube of anchovy paste in the spice cabinet.)
  14. Grits (Are there people who still haven't tried grits? Pity.)
  15. Mirin
  16. Quinoa (Tofu lady strikes again.)
  17. Frozen fruit
  18. Broccolini
  19. Dulce de leche (Hell to the yes.)
  20. Flavored water


  1. Are you using El Rey lemonade for the non-tea portion of that?

  2. No, some I bought at Central Market. But I plan to experiment with homemade.

  3. On the salted caramel front, I had some salted caramel gelato this weekend that was to-die-for. I approximated it for dessert last night by sprinkling sea salt on Dreyer's Slow Churned Caramel Delight ice cream, and that was pretty darn good, too.

    Quinoa is totally awesome, btw.

  4. WHERE was the salted caramel gelato? This requires a road trip.

    You can have my quinoa, okay?

  5. I liked that list and I love that Siracha is almost at the tippy top. I like quinoa too! And guess what? I've never eaten grits. Seriously. But isn't polenta the same thing? If so then yes I've had grits.


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