25 Skills Every Man Should Know

Back when The Dangerous Book for Boys came out, there was a lot of discussion about what we should include in the same book for girls. Ultimately, The Daring Book for Girls came out and served as a good complement to the boys’ book.

Last week, Uncle John posted about Popular Mechanics’ “25 Skills Every Man Should Know.” Now, we could certainly make the case that a woman should know each of these things, too. After all, we drive cars, use computers, watch television, etc. But I’m interested in the Noah’s Ark approach – if a man can do all of those things, what should a woman bring to the table? After all, our manly man still hasn’t eaten or slept, even after using all of those macho skills.

BTW, I’m leaving out generic, but useful, life skills like “decline an invitation to a Pampered Chef party” or “fake happiness;” those are child's play.

A man should know how to…

A woman should know how to…

Patch a radiator hose

Figure the sales tax on an item that is 42% off of $107.13

Protect your computer

Change the toner in the copy machine

Rescue a boater who has capsized

Sense when a kid is in the pool, unauthorized

Frame a wall

Sew a straight hem on a machine and a button by hand

Retouch digital photos

Find beauty in the imperfect

Back up a trailer

Iron clothes

Build a campfire

Pack up the supplies so that they stay dry

Fix a dead outlet

How to cut off the electricity AND the gas AND the water in an emergency.

Navigate with a map and compass

Navigate with a map and compass AND ask for directions

Use a torque wrench

Use a whisk without making a mess

Sharpen a knife

Get blood stains out of laundry

Perform CPR

Perform first aid for adults AND infants and children

Fillet a fish

Cook a fish AND get the smell out of the house

Maneuver a car out of a skid

Slow down in the rain

Get a car unstuck

Get gum out of hair

Back up data

Organize information like shot records and family birthdates

Paint a room

Consult the color wheel

Mix concrete

Get mold out of grout

Clean a bolt-action rifle

Patch a head wound

Change oil and filter

Find a garage that doesn’t screw over women

Hook up an HDTV

Find the best no-load index fund for an IRA

Bleed brakes

Corral a group of preschoolers

Paddle a canoe

Navigate minor bureaucracies without having a stroke

Fix a bike flat

Check the air pressure regularly

Extend your wireless network

Extend your social network

And I leave you with this thought from Heinlein:

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
Image: Asia Society


  1. Love this! I need to work on the bureaucracy navigation myself!

  2. Excellent post, Mamacita! I need to hone my "slowing down the rain" skills. That's tricky.

  3. That proves it. I'm an insect. ;-)


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