Who's Your Mamacita?

June Cleaver is crying into her crinolines. Carol Brady has turned to a life of crime. It’s all because they know that they’ve been pwned in the mothering department. I am the MOTHER OF THE FREAKING YEAR.

We had an impromptu playdate the other day, and I had to come up with a snack for everybody. Hence, Nutella Puffs. Here’s the drill*:

Preheat oven to 400.
Unfold a sheet of thawed puff pastry.
Spread Nutella all over the pastry.
Roll the pastry into a log and cut into discs about ½” thick.
Lay the discs on a sheet of parchment paper and sprinkle with sugar.
Bake in oven until they are golden, brown and delicious.

But don’t take my word for it – ask one of my satisfied customers:

And how does the MOTHER OF THE FREAKING YEAR top herself? By forgetting to pay the water bill (for two months straight) and having the water cut off. Yesss!

*Incidentally, if you replace the word “Nutella” with the word “pesto” you have the recipe for The Amazing Pesto Pinwheels. Also, skip the sugar sprinkling part.


  1. a) what is nutella?

    b)where have you been!?

  2. I slave and slave and slave making all manner of Nutella goodies for you, and all I get in return is a picture of the Nutella goodies that you've made for others. Hmmph! Hmmph, I say!

  3. You win some, you lose some.

    In my house, at least, an excuse for skipping the bath (especially if it fell on a hair washing day) AND a sweet treat would qualify me for Miss J's mother of the year award.

  4. Nutella roll-ups? Clearly an entry in the sweepstakes for Most Perfect Food.

  5. omg, you ARE me.
    Who need water anyway?

  6. Biddy -- Nutella is the most delicious foodstuff EVAR! It is a spread made of chocolate and hazelnuts. Get yourself down to HEB; it's in the aisle by the peanut butter. Then tell us all how much you LOVE it.

    Warning: you will be tempted to give up on solid food altogether and just eat Nutella out of the jar with a spoon. Don't blame me when the firemen have to cut you out of your house, though. Buy the little jar.

  7. You will all be glad to know that soletrain, a.k.a. Uncle John, got his Nutella pinwheels. He said something like "they were pretty tasty," which is, of course, an understatement. Dr. Wende is right -- a candidate for the canon of perfect foods.

    SGM -- I am beginning to believe we were separated at birth.

    Sara -- you are the mother of the year, even if Miss J doesn't realize it.

  8. To answer your second question, Biddy: mamacita's internet connection goes out when it rains -- hooray for 21st century technology -- and it rained here all damn week.


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