More Than You Ever Wanted To Know

Damn, I'm behind on my memes. This one is from Biddy:

1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the next three sentences.

5. Tag five people. & post a comment here once you post it to your blog, so I can come see.

Okay, now I actually got rid of 75-80% of the books in our house last weekend in a fit of decluttering. And yet there are 18 books and at least a dozen magazines on my nightstand right now. Jesus, what a slob.

1. The book on top of the pile is Flower Confidential. [Reading book...] Holy shit, that's boring stuff. Glad it's a library book.

2. Next book in heap is Influential Country Styles, which, while interesting, is chiefly a picture book. It's an Interlibrary Loan (possibly the greatest invention ever). I like it, but let's find another.

3. Passing up Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cookbook (the recipe on page 123 is for Stuffed Bell Peppers, which will always be better from the oven anyway). Another library book.

4. A Pixar coloring book. Next.

5. You Call the Shots. I love this book! I borrowed it from the library and then bought my own copy. But the quote isn't very good out of context.

6. New Yorker from two weeks ago. Only 70 pages, damn them.

7. Oak Forest Homeowners Association Cookbook. 92 pages.

8. Town & Country Travel, Spring 2008. 122 pages!

9. Now for some highbrow stuff: Celebrity Bedroom Retreats. We have to skip ahead to pages 124-5 to see a bedroom in the Miami Beach house that Dodi Al-Fayed bought for Princess Diana. Holy shit is this place ugly. The walls are upholstered in "beige raw silk taffeta."

10. Baseball Digest. 90 pages. Fuckin' A.

11. Cookie magazine. Page 123 has no sentences. Dammit.

12. Cottage Living from two months ago. Page 123 is an ad.

13. Elle, May 2008
. Ad.

14. World Food: Italy. Page 123: "Every second year Amalfi celebrates its famous lemons on the second Sunday in June. Any excessive frivolity can be blamed on the limoncello."

Hell yeah!
Now what are you reading, SGM, Petunia Face, Sara, Uncle John and Angela?


  1. Good one, Mamacita! Sadly, this tag will just barely miss The SPQ Cookbook and Financial Planner because I finished it last week and am onto a very boring book. I might cheat and do SPQ anyway b/c you know it'll be funny.
    Thanks for the socks--love 'em!

  2. Ha! You are too funny! I totally agree with you about interlibrary loans - fabulous invention, even if I'm still afraid to take my kids with me (waiting til they're a little older ... or at least til I can take only my 3-year-old and leave the youngest at home).

    Off to find out more about You Call The Shots!

  3. it's about dang time!

    hahahahahaha you're cracking me up!

    i'm glad i'm not the only one that had total HELL with this meme!


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