Today is a Good Day

I FOUND THE PEANUT BUTTER! And man, is it good. I had to haul over to the HEB on Fountainview, and then pay $3.14 for a pint, but it was worth it.


  1. Mmmm...that makes me craves a a big chunk on chocolate with peanut butter on top!

  2. I'm glad. Welcome to the club!

  3. OMG! How did you find it? Calling around? If that HEB has it, I wonder if any others do?

    And is it as good as Dave says?

  4. Sara -- I went there because somewhere online said HEB had it. I don't know if they have it at CM; the HEB on Fountainview is one of those newer ones that is a traditional grocery store but they try to incorporate a little bit of the CM experience. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. It was in the refrigerated section by the butter.

    YES it is EVERY BIT as good as Dave says. I grabbed it without even looking at the other products -- I think there was one other from Parker Farms. I would be interested in trying the chunky if they have it. Oh, bliss.

    So, so yummy on apple slices. At first I thought I might give some to the kids, but it's much too good to be wasted on my offspring.


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