Things That Do Not Suck

Aaaahhctober. How glad I am to see you.

The folks at NaBloPoMo have declared the theme for October to be "Vote." To which I say, "Meh." Enough with all that.

In light of recent events, I hereby declare that the theme for October is "Things That Do Not Suck." Feel free to play along at home. Write in and nominate something that Does Not Suck. Or post on your own blog about something that Does Not Suck.

So without further ado, I would like to take this opportunity to nominate one thing that Does Not Suck: the pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks. What's better than pumpkin pie? CAFFEINATED pumpkin pie, that's what. [Wanna rant about independent coffee shops, or about responsible spending? Go suck an egg.]

Photo via the lovely Third Coast Preppy.


  1. I'm going to continue the pumpkin theme and say pumpkin eggnog. Melted pumpkin pie! Yum.

  2. Pumpkin butter. Like apple butter only way better.

    (And have you had a better experience with the pumpkin spice lattes at another Starbucks? Because those that I got over the weekend at that Starbucks near me were high on burnt coffee nastiness and low on pumpkin spice tastiness.)

  3. @sgm -- Ay, you've trumped me. Egg nog is a much more efficient method of caloric delivery than a latte could ever be.

    @soletrain -- I'm pretty sure the "barista" didn't make those correctly. I've had two pumpkin spice lattes today, and they both actually tasted like pumpkin.

  4. Amen! You know Fall is here when they bring out the pumpkin spice syrup at Starbucks!

    Hmm...other October things that do not suck. I'm going to go with the changing weather, because it's a lovely breezy morning here in New Orleans. Quite a nice change from 98 degrees and humid at 7 am!

  5. Here, here!

    Know what makes it suck even less...a little Captain Morgan's. Just a drop or an airplane bottle.

    Try it. It makes the morning really interesting.

  6. I'm obsessed with Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Mamacita you crack me up everytime!

  7. Pumpkin ice cream with ginger snaps does not suck.

    What a great blog banner! I think it's the best one I've seen.


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