10 Things I Didn't Know Last Week

1. Alexander Fleming, discoverer of penicillin, advocated "a good gulp of hot whiskey at bedtime—it's not very scientific, but it helps." (He was Scottish)

2. Nigella Lawson's mother was an heir to the Lyons Company which owned, among other things, Wimpy Bars (past) and Dunkin' Donuts (present).

3. Eudora Welty was a photographer as well as an author.

4. I missed this before: Ryan Phillippe went out with Ashlee Simpson. But I guess we did already know that Ryan Phillippe has questionable taste.

5. Arthur Miller had a son with Down's Syndrome. (Vanity Fair, September 2007, print only)

6. Zener cards are used to determine if a person has ESP.

7. 826 Boston, another Dave Eggers project in the vein of 826 Valencia and 826 NYC, will be fronted by a cryptozoology shop.

8. The metal part of a paintbrush is called a ferrule.

9. This American Life is looking for a web manager.

10. You can get blueprints of the Brady Bunch house online.


  1. There is a book that came out a few years ago that has blueprints for a bunch of classic TV houses. Here is the one I found on Amazon but I remember the book I saw including The Simpson's house.


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