Illnesses That Need a Name

I have a sudden, overwhelming need for more purple in my life.

UPDATE: I am not the only one. Synchronicity.

UPDATE 2: Purple in Paris.


  1. Do you want my VBS shirt? I seem to remember that as being purple...

    Just here to help!

  2. since i go to acu, i have LOTS of purple may have them ALL (not because of the color, i just hate the school)

    my bedroom has one wall that is painted dark plum's awesome with my black wrought iron bed on it

  3. I'm pretty sure you already have a stylin' VBS shirt. How about some Aussie stuff so you can smell purple?

  4. I WANT THAT PURPLE CHAIR!!! let's go to paris and steal it, k? it'll be our birthday trip ;-)

  5. I like the way you think, Biddy. I'll tell the pilot to prepare our private jet.

  6. Come to the dark side...the force is within you, Luke. Embrace the purple cumpulsion! I gave in EONS ago and love to love it!

    Besides, why shouldn't you love it...everytime you see it, it reminds you of your favorite middle sister.

    By the way, matthew...shouldn't it be Annieitis (as in Annie-itits, as opposed to Ann-itis, which would be an obsession with red)?


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