The Sensory Delights of Lubbock, Texas

I landed in Lubbock early Friday afternoon and was greeted by 40 mph winds. Welcome to the plains ...

Seeing: They had some rain recently and the irises were beautiful.

When I was a kid Lubbock's alleys fascinated me. My great aunt insisted on driving around until she found the most picturesque alley in town for me to photograph.

Hearing: Lubbock makes a BIG deal about Buddy Holly. This is a museum dedicated to him. He died when he was 22!

Tasting: The big, fancy grocery store in Lubbock (going by the enticing name of "United") had this fantastic White Chocolate Apricot Bread.

Touching: I was in town to help clean out my great aunt Helen's house and get ready for an estate sale. She was moved into assisted living recently. She has the most beautiful costume jewelry; I got to take home some of the pieces she doesn't wear any more.

Smelling: I stayed with my Great Aunt Winnie. I still smell like Camay.


  1. Seeing those irises I would never have dreamed that was Lubbock. My grandmother lived there and we'd spend some time there every summer.

    Molly Ivins always said that Lubbock was one of here favorite places on the earth because it was 80% sky and that is the right amount.

  2. Awesome jewelry -- I'm jealous!

    Never been to Lubbock, but it's on my list of places to visit. Although shouldn't "tasting" include a visit to Llano Estacado Winery?

  3. It's on my list of places to visit.

    Jenny and I are dying laughing.

  4. Camay! When I was a young'un I thought Camay was the height of sophistication. I can practically smell you from here in Kansas :)

  5. The alley - wow. What memories!

    I grew up in the 60's only 13 miles south of Lubbock (Slaton) and it was our playground - only place to go on dates for a decent restaurant or to see a movie. I went to school with Buddy's cousin.

    Camay is a much nicer memory than the cattle shipping pens. If the wind was right those odors could reach us in Slaton - whew!


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