For You Sabermetricians

Via Kottke (welcome back, Kottke!) comes this chart at comparing major league baseball teams' total payroll versus team performance this year. Big winners include Cleveland and Arizona; the biggest loser so far is the White Sox. The Astros are definitely on the losing side.

I'm not clear on whether the payroll figure is just team salaries or if it includes front office folks. I can see where it would cost more just to staff the New York and Boston teams, though perhaps not enough to make a statistical difference?


  1. That looks like just player payroll (No front office taken into account). Thats a terribly cool chart.

  2. You know, I've been very disappointed with the Astros this year, but it warms my heart to see that the White Sox are more pathetic than the Astros both in absolute terms and in the wins-per-dollar-of-payroll metric. Seeing Ozzie Guillen and his band of assholes do poorly is almost as much fun as watching the Yankees or Red Sox struggle.


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