I Love You, Liz Lemon!

Hurray, it's fall (technically)! This is what I'm looking forward to:
  • going to a high school football game
  • Rosh Hashanah -- Sept. 12 or so (I can't figure out which day is for the eating)
  • corduroy
  • all the apples at Central Market
  • temperatures that only reach the high eighties
  • new episodes of 30 Rock (season premiere October 4)
  • Oak Forest Fall Festival -- Oct. 27
  • Halloween and our Halloween party
  • Nonnie turning 30 on November 3
  • Thanksgiving, but especially the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Anything you would add?


  1. Would it be unkind to point out that it won't be fall until after the autumnal equinox on September 23?

  2. John -- Yes it would. Just FYI: I will celebrate the beginning of winter on December 1, the beginning of spring on March 1, and the beginning of summer on the day after Memorial Day.

    As ever, you are requested to just hold the tail.

  3. yes! not going to school this semester!! woo hoo!

    there's a present for my twinkie on my bloggy!

  4. So looking forward to Liz Lemon! I caught a rerun of the "Cleveland" episode last week...so genius!


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