I Bought These

The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale catalog came in the mail a couple of weeks ago, and I immediately spied these. I went down and bought these on the first day of the sale. I plan to wear them on New Year's Eve while lying around on the couch at my mom's house watching The Thin Man and scarfing booze and hors d'oeuvres.

But I had to buy them early, you see. Planning ahead -- that's what I'm all about.


  1. Thank God you're back. In my tired mind, I read "barfing scooze," which sounds really gross.

    Love the tights!

  2. nice picture, are you going to model them for us blog lurkers?

  3. Come on, Mamacita. We both know that your idea of scarfing booze is drinking two swallows of a weak-ass girly drink and falling asleep.


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