What I’m Looking Forward To: Spring Edition

Azalea Trail this weekend

Spring Break! We’ll do something fun…

Alcoholic green milkshakes on St. Patrick’s Day

Easter: the candy, the dresses, the flowers…

Baseball season (I'm watching a Spring Training game right now!)

Return of 30 Rock on April 3 (SGM said it best...)

Baby Mama opens April 25

Risi e bisi on St. Mark’s Day, April 25

Wild Women Weekend with my homies in Rockport, April 25-7 (I guess what I’m looking forward to is April 25)

Cinco de Mayo

The Art Car Parade on May 10

Peonies on Mother’s Day, May 11

Going camping for Memorial Day weekend

The end of the school year – finally! It’s been a rough year for Big E, especially.


  1. I am def. looking forward to the return of my favorite sitcoms and peonies too :-)

  2. you forgot to put "going to see biddy on march 29-31st"

  3. I can't wait for Baby Mama. I am going to be dissappointed if it does not turn out as good as the previews.


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