RAHM EMANUEL, in case you were wondering.

click to enlarge. (Heh-heh.)

From The Stranger, via Decorno


  1. Ha! This is funny. I just posted your lifehacker thing about yard sales. Now people will think we're shilling for each other. Or maybe they won't because I call you a dirty whore in my post. I mean, that alone should let people know you are BAD NEWS and that we are NOT in cahoots.

    (Cahoots is a great word. Note to self: use it more.)

  2. Obama. I've already had two dreams about him last week - he was in love with me. do you blame him? seriously. i must have a big ego to have a dream like that. rahm is actually pretty cute. plus he's the right religion for me. its a toss up. let me get back with you on this one.

  3. Joni, solid choice with Mr. O. [And he sent me a note in 2nd period asking if I thought you liked him back.]

    But come on, Rahm's a triathlete and he sends people dead fish. He's basically my dream date.

  4. Oh, I am so all about Rahm too. In my dreams I do things with him I have never even considered doing in real life. Yummy!

  5. When Rahm was on the news the other night I just couldn't look away. The dude is magnetic

  6. Rahmbo for me too, thank you very much. He's hot, he's smart, and though he's an orthodox Jew, he has the dramatic intensity of a Soprano, or a Corleone, which turns me on. Big time.

  7. The Rahm. I live in Chicago. Had the hots for Rahm from waaaay back, scrappy little piranah that he is.

    And he's smart! and mean, with that vicious little gleam in his eyes. Too hot!

  8. omg!!!!!!!!!!!!! he did???!!! what did you tell him?????

    p.s. Rahm is also a ballet dancer.


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