Wow, Kirstie Alley is all but jumping up and down on Oprah's couch.


  1. C'mon, with all the guests on the show, I imagine that couch is lousy with Body Thetans. They gotta cleanse them somehow (If you guys were OT III, you would know this...).

  2. Holy smokes. I thought it was just me. The crazy train is definitely idling at her station. And what is with her "receptionist" long nails and god-awful hair. Guess what? Going big with everything else makes you no less fat. K? Lastly, I do believe she wants to claw Valerie Bertinelli's eyes out with said fingernails.
    Sorry for the long comment Mamacita!

  3. Yeah, the hair and the nails and the outfit -- WTF? Did she not know she was going to be on Oprah that day?

    Anyway, Valerie B. might want to change her gate code.

  4. That would not be allowed in my house. Those nails could poke your eye out...


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