Thumbs Up: Greed

Yes, it is pretty much greed that makes me want Papi to have another job. Otherwise, I'd just as soon have him at home, barefoot in the kitchen. So here is a list of links for Papi and anyone else who might be in his position. If you have any favorites, please do share in the comments.

UPDATE: I just put together a monster list of Houston companies with links to job listings. I'm not going to put it out here for just anybody to use, but if you email and ask me nicely, I might send it to you: kbhagen at gmail dot com.

Job Postings
Jobfox -- haven't poked around here much, but it could be worthwhile -- state job openings -- links to tons of different job posting sites as well as employment advice.
Houston Business Journal

Employment Transition Advice
Launch Pad Job Club -- based in Austin, there is a lot of good stuff here
CareerOneStop -- US Dept. of Labor website for ReEmployment, with links to state and local resources for training programs, COBRA info., unemployment benefits info. and more
The Layoff Survival Guide -- an ad for an e-book, but the site has tons of good advice

IT-specific Link
Assoc. of Information Technology Professionals (and the Houston chapter) -- even if you're not looking for a new gig, it's a good idea to be connected to a professional organization

Resume and Cover Letter help
The Perfect Cover Letter -- an e-book available through the Texas State Library to anyone with a Houston Public Library card (and possibly other libraries, too).
201 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview -- another e-book available through the Texas State Library and HPL. I hate it when interviewers have some BS trick questions they've made up and told themselves that "this is how we'll tell who's a genius." Oh, what utter nonsense. At least you can try to be prepared.


  1. Don't forget Craigslist too. At least here in SF, that's the primo place for job postings. I found my new career on there this month.

    Good, good luck! I'm sure he'll find something very soon.

  2. I know people would look at us funny for wearing the tutu's but somewhere deep inside would you not just love to? I would....I would wear my tutu with some great heels and matching purse. Hum, I bet people in redneckville would really talk about me....(like I care)


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