10 Things I Didn't Know Last Week

1. Taking a daily dose of 100mg of vitamin B1 subtly changes your body odor so as not to attract mosquitoes. (according to renowned herbalist Joan Collins)
2. Thoreau was the first member of his family to go to college.
3. Harold Bloom's first language was Yiddish.
4. Lyndon Johnson's father was a Christadelphian -- a religion whose members avoid politics and organized political affiliation.
5. Lady Bird Johnson had a Secret Service detail for 44 years -- longer than anyone else in history.
6. Barack Obama now has a Secret Service detail.
7. Batman is Episcopalian!
8. So is Lex Luthor.
9. And if all that weren't enough: not only is "gay American" James McGreevey* headed to Episcopal seminary, so is porn star Rod Fontana. [*Okay, not that there's anything wrong with That, but there is a lot about McGreevey that I don't like.]
10. Retired justices of the Supreme Court are not "ex-" members of the Court -- they assume "senior" status .
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