An Abecedary of ...

… family sayings.

(Forgive the inside jokes. BTW, I once asked my mother if she read my blog and she said, “I don’t have time to read all that shit.”)

Annie story [“A long and unnecessarily convoluted tale”.]

Ben done told [“I’ve already heard the news.”]

Colder than a well-digger’s butt [“quite cold”]

Don’t know sheep shit from Shinola. [“Uninformed”]

Erin Len [“You are exasperating.”]

For forty years [“a long time”]

Well I fucking guess. [“That is not going to happen, ever.”]

Hunker-jaw [“off kilter”]

I’m fucking this cow, you just hold the tail. [“Kindly do as I ask without interfering.”]

Jee-haw [“exist in accord” (Something about mules…)]

Kara Brooke [as opposed to all the other Karas in the house]

Like a cow pissing on a flat rock. [“raining very hard”]

Can’t see through muddy water. [“You’re blocking my view of the television.”]

Now I've had worse than that in my eye. ["I mock your pain."]

The Office [“the local tavern”]

Saving it for Pearl [“It’s too good for the likes of you or me.”]

Queen No Fun [refers to mamacita -- can you believe it?]

The Red Ass [“a state of irritation”]

Sorry don’t feed the bulldog [“Your apology does little to placate me.”]

Running his traps [“going about his unimportant daily activities”]

Umpteen times [“many times, indeed”]

Verklempt ["overwhelmed"]

Watch his head [“You clearly don’t know what you’re doing.”]

Xenu loves you. [Oh wait, that's the Cruise family.]

You can want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster. [“You are not likely to get what you want.”]

Z okay, no Z this week

I would love to hear your family sayings in the comments.


  1. well, we use alot of those but we also use

    "whomper jawed" "annie gogglin" "shiv a get" "terd floater" "hankerin" ohhh the list goes on and on...

    let me know if you don't know what those mean hehe

  2. "If a froggie had wings he wouldn't skin his rear end a hoppin'." (My dad's response to wishful if statements.)

  3. We don't use colloquisms as much as "words of wisdom". Two of my Dad's:

    Take half as many clothes and twice as much money. (on packing)

    Effort expended does not equal results accomplished.

  4. We don't use colloquisms as much as "words of wisdom". Two of my Dad's:

    Take half as many clothes and twice as much money. (on packing)

    Effort expended does not equal results accomplished.


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