It's Bastille Day!

Am I going to celebrate by eating French food? Probably not! I have a ton of stuff to do today, and I think chiens chaudes are on the menu for dinner at my mom's house tonight. But let's stay in the platonic world of the blogosphere for a moment longer. I might have Martha's French Toast for breakfast; lunch could be a salad dressed with Nora Ephron's vinaigrette; and, what the hell, I'll let Alice Waters make dinner for me.

Orangette is definitely my favorite French food blog. Do also give Patricia Wells a visit. As far as Chocolate and Zucchini goes -- I want to like her, I really do. I just can't imagine Leslie Caron sitting down to a lunch of quinoa, can you?

If you're interested in anything besides food (do I know you?), you could check out these other Frenchy-type sites:

Chitlins and Camembert (possibly the best blog title of all time)
Cote de Texas (decorating)
Ma petite Théière (blog of a French children's book illustrator -- in French)
French Heritage (shopping)
Source Perrier (shopping)
Quel Objet (shopping -- insanely gorgeous dishtowels)

Expatica has a whole list of other Frenchy blogs. Add yours in the comments.

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