10 Things I Didn't Know Last Week

1. Raymond Chandler was a wealthy oil company executive who lost his job after the Crash of 1929.

2. Zelda Fitzgerald was a better writer than I previously thought.

3. Alexandre Dumas' grandmother was an Afro-Caribbean slave.

4. The day that Freud met Jung, they talked for 13 hours straight.

5. Bugs Bunny is modeled on Groucho Marx.

6. Finland had Prohibition from 1919 to 1932.

7. Russia had Prohibition from 1914 to 1925.

8. Golda Meir changed her name from Golda Myerson when she became Foreign Minister of Israel in 1956.

9. Henry VIII married Catherine Howard on the same day he had Thomas Cromwell executed.

10. Martin Luther King, Jr. was only 26 years old when he organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott.


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