Decorno News

1) I went to HEB today and picked up a copy of Western Interiors. There is a card inside the magazine that says if you buy the current issue (April/May 2008), you will get the rest of the year's issues (5 more) delivered for free. So, $5.95 for 6 issues -- if you remember to mail the card back in. Sometimes there is some good stuff in there, so I thought it was worth mentioning.

Of course, the whole magazine is online for free, but you have to register and install some special software to read it. So phooey on that.

2) PaperCity*, the "social magazine" of Houston and Dallas, is coming out with a book in October called Domestic Arts: Curated Interiors from the Pages of PaperCity. The book will feature the spread on the Menil house, among others. [The Menil house was designed by Phillip Johnson, decorated by Charles James, and packed with Surrealist art.]

*If these folks have any sense at all, they will be featuring our friend Joni in their pages very soon.


  1. HAHAHAH!!!! I just saw this. I assume I'm the Joni!!!! Thanks little momma = and thanks for the comment today. Let's not be strangers anymore, ok????



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