Mother's Day Gifts, Part II: People I Might Know

1. Let's say the mother of your children is artistic, loves color, and her name rhymes with "Letitia Van Campen." She might like a shiny red coral necklace along these lines:

One good place to look for such an item would be Windwater Gallery, on 19th Street in the Heights.

2. Okay, now what if your wife is a super-smart bizzness lady with avant-garde tastes, and her name starts with "Sara Brumfield?" First of all, she probably deserves a hammock to lounge about in. She might also like a cookbook -- I hear that Vegetable Harvest by Patricia Wells is excellent. But most of all, I think the Wonder Woman in your life needs cuff bracelets, like this gold lace cuff with pink chalcedony, from Karen Scott:
Karen Scott's jewelry can be found in several locations around Austin, including the Scarbrough's at 38th and Lamar (in the CM shopping center).

By the way, if the birthday of your only child should happen to fall on Mother's Day weekend, you have to be double-extra nice to your wife, and really pony up some tribute.

3. Now let's say the mother of your children has been spending a lot of time at the gym, is looking pretty good with her snazzy new haircut, and is also a champion shopper. Maybe her initials are "Cayce Carlsson." A subscription to Us Weekly or People might be appreciated for those long stretches on the treadmill. She might also like a gift certificate to her favorite store or a new Vera Bradley wallet (to replace the one your children "customized"). But for her, I'm especially fond of this Vera Bradley belt, to show off her new, smaller jeans: Vera Bradley items are sold at the Bering's on Westheimer and the Crabtree & Evelyn in the Galleria, among other places.

4. Now what if your wife is a sexy Latina with a megawatt smile and legs a mile long? Assuming that mami already has the car of her dreams, you'll be her only vato if you get her a new laptop (that hasn't been "fixed" by one of your well-intentioned friends), or at the very least, a snazzy new cell phone (that works). But I'm telling you, laptop=lap dance. Think about it.
5. Speaking of lap dances ... how about a gift for the raven-haired wahini who brought your only child into the world? For this occasion, you might want to venture beyond your usual gift stops. But all is not lost: you can still spend some time in Victoria's Secret (or the lingerie shop of your choosing) looking for a pretty dressing gown or kimono for your daughter's mother.
6. Now what about that low-maintenance tomboy and pixie-wrangler in your life? If she already has enough carabiner clips and flip-flops, she might be interested in some new yoga duds, or a new hoodie. Or maybe the little early-adopter really wants a Kindle.
Third installment: Grandmotherly-types.


  1. This blog is truly a public service.

  2. Thank for that....loved the insight and by the way if you wanted to do a part three I know a lady with the initials "Tambur McDonald" that would love her ring upgraded! Also thanks for the insight into the life of my beautiful sis, with the initials "Cayce Carlsson."


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