Mother's Day Gifts, Part I

Mother's Day is, of course, the MOST important holiday of the entire year. Take it from me that there is NOTHING you could ever do to repay your mother for all the trouble she went to on your part. So let's look into some gift options, shall we?

I heard about Mad Imports in the most recent Cottage Living. These bags are so cute and summery. (Also, fair trade and eco-friendly, as a bonus.)
Opal, $75
Heather, $79 eachIsadora, $79

And I'm pretty sure I need one of these: (it's on sale, BTW)Fortaleza, $49

For Mother's Day every year I get a box of my favorite soap, which is such a sweet and old-fashioned gift.

Rancé Crème Grasse, $64.95

What mother would say no to a Sephora gift card? (Probably my mother, but perhaps not yours.)

Okay, in our next installment we will discuss Mothers Who Are Not Me.


  1. Mothers who are not you, but just might be me:

    Hammock & Hammock Stand (Target or Ikea, higher end try crate and barrel or smith and hawken).
    _Vegetable Harvest_ by Patricia Wells
    Counter Top Spray by Caldrea
    Any jewelry designed by Kendra Scott

    Since direct hints get resistance and I know the purchaser of my mother's day gifts reads your blog...

    Have I mentioned you should never schedule your child's birth for the same weekend as mother's day? (Consistently, for 4 years now.)


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