If Momma Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy

Okay, ladies, let us know the results of the Mother's Day Hint-a-thon.

Not exactly ... successful ... over here.


  1. Well that's bad karma... mine, on the other hand, was lovely. Thank you for your assistance, I think Ben was amused.

    Veggie cookbook -- check
    Hammock (still not set up) -- check
    breakfast in bed -- check
    time to read an entire novel -- check

  2. oh, and flowers! Tulips, in fact!

  3. No necklace here, but according to my latest issue of O, coral is endangered and I should have wanted fake coral anyway. I did get some owl themed jewelry from Target, so I will not be w/out some pretty serious hoot-owl bling.

  4. Hey -- what did I do to deserve bad karma? I'm a SAINT, I tell you.

  5. Hey, Jane, long time reader, first time commenter!

    Despite my efforts of sending wish lists and dropping hints, I got ... a gift certificate for a massage. Why is that so bad? I don't have any time as is right now. So I'm supposed to somehow carve out an hour somewhere, call myself for an appointment, etc.? Now if he had done all that and just dropped me off as a surprise--that's good.

    At least he got me something. Oh, and corralled the Little Miss for an hour so I could have a hassle-free nap.

  6. Does it make you feel any better about unsuccessful hinting if I told you that I know a woman whose husband gave her an oven?

    That's right. Mr. Romance took her to the appliance store on Mother's Day.


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