Happy Blogiversary to Me

That's right, ladies and germs -- today is my dumb blog's first birthday. That's 409 posts of pure brilliance. I know you're as excited as I am.

In honor of the big day, I thought I would give away a batch of Nutella cookies. If you're interested, leave a comment on this post and I will pick a winner at random. Even if Nutella isn't your thing, I think the traditional gift for a blogger's first anniversary is the gift of delurking.

Thanks so much for reading! Have a Bellini for me tonight.


  1. Delurking and bellinis...a good combo.

  2. Happy blogiversary! So glad you are here. I love having your funny voice as a constant. :-)

  3. ummm...nuttella! Your cokiness rewarded by cookies...BRILLIANT!

    Happy Blogiversary, Sister!

  4. Just remember, if you use my recipe, I expect royalties.

  5. Love the blog - glad to have the push to delurk. Especially love the title!

  6. Welcome, Jenny! Letitia and Uncle John are both from Northern VA. Y'all sure do have some fine schoolin' up yonder.

  7. what?! nutella cookies? i must know. funny, just made nutella ice cream from chocolate & zucchini via amateur gourmet. a little rich but yum!

  8. hello darling, just started reading your blog - loved it from the first picture: a there is nothing better than a good bellini. I have a bartender friend that makes an amazing faux bellini with peach schnopps and champagne (nothing like the real thing of course, but something you should def. try). congrats on the anniversary!

  9. almost 500 posts in a year! how do you find the time? you crack me up and i love reading you! keep up the good work.


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