Desert Island Discs

The first time I heard of the show "Desert Island Discs" was when I saw The Real Thing by Tom Stoppard at the Alley Theatre [sic]. Henry, the playwright, having been invited as a guest on the show, is afraid that his real answers -- all pop music -- will seem like "reverse snobbery," so he forces himself to listen to classical music so he can give more refined answers.

Having been cornered by Angela to answer the Desert Island question, I am also in a fix. As far as books go, the best answer I can come up with is The Bible. Now, you have to know that I am a deeply unreligious person. I picked The Bible because 1) it is long; 2) it has a lot of stories; and, most importantly, 3) I haven't read it yet.

I recognize that "The Bible" is the single most boring answer possible for that particular question. I can't think of anything else that wouldn't exacerbate my misery at being stranded on a desert island, though. Most books, music, etc. all bring back a flood of memories that I wouldn't want to live with. You will see that, in spite of my exterior, I am really a ridiculously emotional person. If you scratch my surface at all I am a hot mess.

So anyway, coming back up to the surface:

Music: Something by Marvin Gaye
Book: The Complete Poems of Elizabeth Bishop [Disqualifying “The Bible” as a lame answer]
Movie: The Godfather
Food: Nutella
Beverage: Arnold Palmer
Alcoholic Beverage: Bellini
Magazine: Vogue

Famous Female: Jill Conner Browne
Famous Male: Lord Byron

And the bonus round:

Fictional Characters: Patsy and Edina from Absolutely Fabulous

5 Dinner Guests: Diana Vreeland, Jane Austen, Nora Ephron, Molly Ivins, Judith Martin

Favorite TV: My favorite t.v. show of all time is probably Newhart. But the desert-island-homesickness thing comes into play again, so I pick … Astros games.

Okay, Pixie Wrangler -- happy now?


  1. Know thyself indeed Mamacita! Some lovely choices listed there - AND you included a bonus round. Well played... well played indeed.


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